My Favourite Brunch

Scrambled Eggs, Mushed Avocado & Smoked Salmon on Toast

This is up there with some of the best things I've made throughout lockdown, and I've made it a lot! The funny thing is that I never even thought I liked Avocado a few months ago and I've put myself off eating it for years because I thought that it was horrible, but it's one of my favourite foods at the moment. Smoked Salmon has always been something that I love, alongside eggs in general (mainly poached or scrambled though) and the pairing of all three on some toast is divine.

Firstly, the eggs. I prefer my scrambled eggs to be slightly wet, but I know some people don't like them like this. My recipe for them is to basically whisk the eggs (usually 3 for one person, or 4 if you're feeling hungry) for a couple minutes so that they're perfectly golden and then season well with salt & pepper. Leave to sit for a bit until you get all of the other prep done (the avocado mushed, smoked salmon ready and a non-stick pan slowly heated up with some butter in it). 

For the avocado, I scoop it out of the skins, then straight into a bowl with salt, pepper and some lime juice (lemon juice is perfect too, but I've been using lime juice recently as that's all we had). Once you've added these three things to the avocado, mush it with the back of a fork until it's together and spreadable. 

Once the pan for your eggs is ready, put your toast on into the toaster to toast. Add the eggs to the pan and leave them for a few seconds until you can see the edges of them start to cook. Then you just need to stir the eggs with a spatula (preferable) and continuously bring them to the middle of the pan. Stir around the edge, bring to the middle & repeat. This doesn't take long at all so don't overcook your eggs. Always turn the heat off, or move the pan off the heat just before they're done as the eggs will cook a little bit afterwards. You can always add a teaspoon or two of crème fraîche to stop the cooking process though.

Then it's time to layer it together. Butter your toast, then add some strips/slices of smoked salmon. Top that with your mushed avocado and then portion the eggs onto each slice of toast. Finally, finish with a light sprinkling of salt and a small grind of black pepper. This is the perfect thing to serve for house guests, a Sunday brunch or someone's special birthday breakfast. Enjoy!
