Toad in the Hole

Toad in the Hole

I think some people could be put off making Toad in the Hole because they've heard that it's sometimes tricky to make Yorkshire Puddings, but this is quite far from the truth. I love making Toad in the Hole, and I love eating it even more. It's a British classic and you just cannot beat sausages, batter and gravy. Whilst you can buy amazing ones from the shop or even from a pub, I think that there's something special about homemade, as you can make it your own!

This recipe is not of my own, but one that I found online from SORTEDfood, a Youtube based cooking show (who you should definitely go and check out). Their recipe uses Venison sausages, but I love Cumberland sausages too much to swap and you could use any sausages you want to (vegetarian/vegan sausages work perfectly for this recipe too)


  • Sausages (however many you want and whatever type you want - I usually do 2-3 sausages per person)
  • 1 Red onion
  • 1 Glug Oil
  • Thyme - fresh works better
  • 1 mug Milk
  • 1 mug beaten Egg
  • 1 mug Plain Flour
  • Salt & Pepper


1. Preheat an oven to 220°C.
2. Prick the sausages and peel plus roughly chop the onions. Scatter them into a deep roasting dish with a glug of oil and the thyme (if using fresh, finely chop 1 sprig). Place into the centre of an oven for 10 minutes.

3. Whisk the eggs and flour in a bowl until lump-free. Pour in the milk, a little at a time, until evenly combined into the batter, then season with salt and pepper.

4. Remove the roasting tray from the oven and, whilst it's hot, pour the batter in and around the sausage and onions, making sure it's evenly coated, then return to the oven to cook for 25 minutes.

5. Take it straight out of the oven and serve. I tend to serve this with mashed potatoes and gravy. Enjoy!
