Street/Market Food

Street Food & Market Food

Eating out is just the best! It's so fun to get together with friends and family (well not so much anymore) and find somewhere to sit, eat and drink at. Street Food can somethings be the best things to get. Not only is it usually cheap, but you can try so many new items and ingredients, some things you may have never heard of before! 

The first photo is of a Steak & Ale Pie, atop creamy mashed potatoes and smothered (the only acceptable way) with gravy! I had it at the Altrincham Outdoor Market a couple years ago and it was incredible. I've had Steak & Ale Pies before and regularly order them at the pub, but this was the best I've had. It was also cheaper than your standard pub pie too! Even better!!

Whilst I love eating fancy meals out-and-about, the temptation is always there for a cheap and easy McDonalds, Subway, etc., and I do regularly eat at the 'fast-food' places because I know what I order and I know that I like it. Also for £5 you can't complain. But it's so good once in a while to treat yourself and spend that little bit more for some proper street food! Most cities and towns will have some form of an outdoor market and the food there is usually incredible. 

 Wood-Fired Pizza from 
Altrincham Market
Believe this was from Thai Season in the
York Shambles Market! (Can't remember
what it was though...)

My time living in York allowed me to go to so many different restaurants, all with their own quirky menus and food items. The Shambles Market, just off the 'Shambles' street in the centre of the city was home to so many unique food stands and vans. One I loved was Los Moros. Their food was incredible! When I first went there, I had finished a long and gruelling lecture on the British Atlantic Trade and had to walk back through the city to get to my student house. I fancied some food on the way but didn't want to get the same old meal deal from the shop so stopped off at the Shambles Market. I was entranced by the glorious sounding menu and admittedly took a little while to choose what to have, but I finally settled on their 'Spicy Moroccan Lamb Sausages' served in a crust baguette and accompanied with a carrot and mint slaw. To this day it is one of the nicest foods I've ever had and I've been back multiple times to enjoy it again! 

A lot of people get confused with the idea of street food, as they usually associate the term with the cheap kebabs and burgers you get from a takeaway van outside of a nightclub at 2 in the morning. But real street food is so much more. It's independent businesses creating incredible recipes in order to feed the masses at a very affordable cost. I always peruse the different stalls at a market in order to learn more about different spices and herb blends, something that helps my cooking greatly.

The aforementioned spicy lamb sausages. This time served atop a carrot, red cabbage and chickpea salad and dolloped with some gorgeous homemade hummus. It looks 10/10 and tastes even better.
